Blog Ecobraz Eigre

Criado em 20 de Agosto, 2024
por Ecobraz
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2 Comentários
Support Ecobraz Emigre’s Green Revolution: Join Us by Purchasing Carbon Offsets

Support Ecobraz Emigre’s Green Revolution: Join Us by Purchasing Carbon Offsets

Additionally, through our Reciclando project, we bring technology and hope to underserved communities by setting up tech centers that transform lives. Just imagine the impact on a young person from a favela who, thanks to these centers, gains access to digital education and new opportunities. This is possible because we believe in a better future, but also because we count on the support of individuals and companies like you who want to make a difference.


However, to continue offering all these services for free, we need your help. The reality is that Ecobraz Emigre’s work, from electronic waste collection to digital inclusion in communities, comes with significant costs. The only way to cover these costs is through the sale of carbon offsets.


When you purchase carbon offsets, you’re not just neutralizing your own emissions; you’re also funding a larger movement for change. You’re ensuring that Ecobraz can continue to provide these services for free, reaching more people and communities across the country.


So, if you identify with our cause and believe in the work we do, we invite you to visit our website, use our emissions calculator, and purchase your carbon offsets. Every contribution counts and brings us closer to a more sustainable and just world for everyone.


The future of the planet is in our hands. Join us in the fight against global warming and in building a world where technology and sustainability go hand in hand. Purchase carbon offsets and help Ecobraz Emigre continue to make a difference!


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2 Comentários
Susan L. disse:
Criado em 30 de janeiro, 2024
Adorei o conteúdo, super relevante em meio ao chaos que vivemos hoje em dia, as empresas precisam certamente colocar esse lixo eletrônico em lugares apropriados! Ótima iniciativa da Ecobraz, Com atitudes assim que mudamos o mundo!
Susan L. disse:
Criado em 30 de janeiro, 2024
Adorei o conteúdo, super relevante em meio ao chaos que vivemos hoje em dia, as empresas precisam certamente colocar esse lixo eletrônico em lugares apropriados! Ótima iniciativa da Ecobraz, Com atitudes assim que mudamos o mundo!

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By choosing our services, you are contributing to a greener and cleaner future. In addition, you can be sure that your electronic waste will be disposed of properly, without harming the environment.