Blog Ecobraz Eigre

Criado em 28 de Agosto, 2024
por Ecobraz
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Complete Guide: How and Where to Dispose of Electronic Waste in Brazil

Complete Guide: How and Where to Dispose of Electronic Waste in Brazil

The increasing presence of electronic devices in our lives has brought many conveniences, but also a significant challenge: the correct disposal of electronic waste. Cell phones, computers, televisions, and other devices contain toxic materials that, if improperly disposed of, can cause serious harm to the environment and human health. This comprehensive guide will help you understand how and where to dispose of your electronic waste in Brazil responsibly and safely.


What is Electronic Waste?


Electronic waste, or e-waste, refers to any electrical or electronic equipment that has been discarded without the intention of reuse. This includes a wide range of products, such as:


Cell phones and smartphones

Computers and laptops


Sound systems


Small appliances


These items contain valuable materials that can be recycled, such as precious metals, plastic, and glass, as well as hazardous substances like mercury, lead, and cadmium, which must be handled correctly.


Why is it Important to Recycle Electronic Waste?


Improper disposal of electronic waste can release toxic substances into the soil, water, and air, causing environmental impacts and health risks. Additionally, e-waste recycling allows for the recovery of valuable materials that can be reused in the manufacture of new products, reducing the need to extract natural resources.


How to Dispose of Electronic Waste in Brazil?


1. Collection Points

Several Brazilian cities have specific collection points for electronic waste. These points are typically operated by NGOs, private companies, or government agencies. Check in your city where these points are located and how you can deliver your devices.

2. Reverse Logistics Programs

Many electronics manufacturers and large retail chains offer reverse logistics programs, where you can return old devices for recycling. Brands like Samsung, Apple, Dell, and many others already have this type of initiative in Brazil.

3. Recycling Fairs and Community Actions

Some cities promote specific events for the collection of electronic waste, such as recycling fairs and community actions. These events are great opportunities to safely dispose of your devices and contribute to the environment.

4. Collection by NGOs and Specialized Companies

There are NGOs and specialized companies that offer electronic waste collection services, often free of charge. Ecobraz Emigre, for example, collects and recycles electronic devices throughout the country.


Where to Find Collection Points?


Here are some ways to find collection points in your area:


Official Municipal Websites: Many municipalities provide information about electronic waste collection points on their official websites.

Recycling Apps and Websites: There are apps and websites that help locate collection points near you. One example is the Ecycle app, which maps collection points in various cities.

Local NGOs: Search for NGOs that operate in your city or region in the collection of electronic waste. Many of them have agreements with municipalities or companies to provide this service.


What to Do with Still Functional Equipment?


If your electronic device is still working, consider donating it before deciding to discard it. Many community centers, schools, and NGOs accept donations of equipment in good condition for digital inclusion projects.


Ecobraz Emigre’s Commitment to the Future


At Ecobraz Emigre, we believe that electronic waste recycling is one of the keys to a sustainable future. Our work goes beyond simple collection and recycling – we turn electronic waste into opportunities, creating technology centers in underprivileged communities and promoting digital inclusion. And best of all? We do this completely free of charge for those who discard, thanks to the support of individuals and companies who offset their CO2 emissions through our platform.


Dispose of your electronics with us and contribute to a more sustainable world. Visit our website and find out how you can help make a difference.




The correct disposal of electronic waste is a responsibility for all of us. By following the guidelines in this guide, you will be helping to protect the environment and promoting the reuse of valuable resources. Choose one of the above options and do your part for a greener and more sustainable future!

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2 Comentários
Susan L. disse:
Criado em 30 de janeiro, 2024
Adorei o conteúdo, super relevante em meio ao chaos que vivemos hoje em dia, as empresas precisam certamente colocar esse lixo eletrônico em lugares apropriados! Ótima iniciativa da Ecobraz, Com atitudes assim que mudamos o mundo!
Susan L. disse:
Criado em 30 de janeiro, 2024
Adorei o conteúdo, super relevante em meio ao chaos que vivemos hoje em dia, as empresas precisam certamente colocar esse lixo eletrônico em lugares apropriados! Ótima iniciativa da Ecobraz, Com atitudes assim que mudamos o mundo!

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By choosing our services, you are contributing to a greener and cleaner future. In addition, you can be sure that your electronic waste will be disposed of properly, without harming the environment.