Blog Ecobraz Eigre

Criado em 29 de Agosto, 2024
por Ecobraz
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2 Comentários
Brazil Is Burning and Drowning: What Can We Do?

Brazil Is Burning and Drowning: What Can We Do?

In recent months, Brazil has faced a series of devastating environmental disasters. The fires that darkened the skies of São Paulo and the floods that ravaged communities in Rio Grande do Sul are just some of the alarming signs of climate change that are already profoundly and disturbingly affecting our lives.


But amidst these crises, a crucial question arises: what can we do?


At Ecobraz, we believe that while there is no single, immediate solution to environmental challenges, every action counts. That’s why we are committed to mitigating climate impacts through electronic waste recycling. This work not only reduces the need for new raw materials but also contributes to carbon offsetting, helping to slow the effects of climate change.


📹 Watch our new video:


In the video, we discuss how these recent events reflect the urgent climate changes occurring worldwide and how carbon offsetting can be an essential part of the effort to create a more sustainable future.


Immediate Action:


Carbon offsetting is not a complete solution, but it is a concrete way to start making a difference. When you use our carbon offset calculator, you are not just offsetting your own emissions—you are directly supporting our electronic waste recycling projects across Brazil.


This support is vital. Brazil faces some of the highest logistics costs in the world, and for us to continue offering our collection and recycling services for free, we need your help.


🌱 How You Can Help:


1. Access our carbon offset calculator:

2. Contribute to carbon offsetting and help fund our projects.

3. Spread the word – share the video and post so that more people can get involved in this fight.


Every choice we make today shapes the future we will have tomorrow. Join us and help transform tomorrow, today.


#Ecobraz #Sustainability #ClimateChange #CarbonOffsetting #Environment

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2 Comentários
Susan L. disse:
Criado em 30 de janeiro, 2024
Adorei o conteúdo, super relevante em meio ao chaos que vivemos hoje em dia, as empresas precisam certamente colocar esse lixo eletrônico em lugares apropriados! Ótima iniciativa da Ecobraz, Com atitudes assim que mudamos o mundo!
Susan L. disse:
Criado em 30 de janeiro, 2024
Adorei o conteúdo, super relevante em meio ao chaos que vivemos hoje em dia, as empresas precisam certamente colocar esse lixo eletrônico em lugares apropriados! Ótima iniciativa da Ecobraz, Com atitudes assim que mudamos o mundo!

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By choosing our services, you are contributing to a greener and cleaner future. In addition, you can be sure that your electronic waste will be disposed of properly, without harming the environment.